上双“51人” | 在身体和语言之间 The Acrobat Returns

2017-02-18 51人 定海桥 定海桥




Thursday Feb 23, 2017

19:30 - 21:00




Exhibition Hall 8, 5th Fl,

Power Station of Art, Shanghai


No seat provided due to artistic concerns

Number of participants: 150. 

Non-Chinese speakers can reserve via email:


* 预约人数限定150人,请点击阅读原文报名

 51人谍报之丁玉磊Ding Yulei / Ueli Hirzel


丁玉磊 / Ueli Hirzel

1980年代生人 / 1940年代生人

2月23日晚的51人主角是引退的杂技艺术家丁玉磊与瑞士杂技导演Ueli Hirzel。 



“重回舞台”来自几年前瑞士杂技导演Ueli Hirzel的鼓励。2008年,Ueli Hirzel曾受瑞士文化基金会与策划人武佳音、徐杰之邀,与中国艺术家进行深谈,共同筹划项目。那时他也采访了丁玉磊,由此为这次上双的项目埋下伏笔。在这个结合了马戏与艺术的实验过程中,瑞士杂技导演Ueli Hirzel作为引导者,介绍给了中国一些闻所未闻的新技巧,从而与多位参与者交换了对表演艺术的看法。 


We plan to organize an artistic laboratory about the question:
“Is an acrobat without his technique still an artist? if yes, how does it become visible?”

Trained in acrobatics since childhood, Ding Yulei has won international awards for his performances. Like many of his colleagues, however, he retired early from the profession. He is now an actor and director, focused on training in language and ideas. The expressive power of the body plays only a supporting role in his work. For many of his contemporaries, the body has no relevance at all in the work they do.

Ding undertook Return to the Stage at the urging of the Swiss acrobatic director, Ueli Hirzel. In 2008, Ueli Hirzel was invited by Pro Helvetia Shanghai with Wu Jiayin and Xujie to initiate communication and understanding between Chinese artists and the Swiss counterparts. During the trips Mr. Ueli visited and interviewed Ding Yulei as one of the interviewees. Due to his experience in the field of Circus and performing arts, Ueli Hirzel has guided the process and introduced some in China not yet well known techniques. Thus "The Acrobat Returns" is an exchange of different views on performing arts, and involving different participants.

Questions arise: After years of distance from the once-familiar sensations of rigorous physical training, will it be possible for Ding to regain his ability to use acrobatics to create a performance? In a process involving discussions on choreography and stage design with other performing artists, will he be able to meld his acrobatic ability and his personal journeyto conceive and create a completely new form of performance? 


本次活动共同策划:Ueli Hirzel、武佳音、徐杰



Performer: Ding Yulei

Co-author: Ueli Hirzel, Wu Jiayin, Xu Jie

Supported by Pro Helvetia Shanghai, Swiss Arts Council

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